Thursday, August 13, 2009

N/L ratio evolution on CFS

Remember that this is just a post of my blog, and it evolves, so to see the full story go to: (English) or (Spanish)
My current doc: Josepa Rigau Av Catalunya, 12, 3º, 1ª 43002 Tarragona Spain +34977220358 (I do recommend! hoeopathy and biological medicine, significant improvement)
My previous docs: De Meirleir (, Dra Quintana (CMD), (Lots of medication, antibiotics etc... no significant improvement)

In this image, we see the evolution of the Neutrophils / Linfocytes ratio that I have had during the last 9 years, and it is particularly interesting because it correlates with my symptoms and the infections I had.

Click on the image to make it bigger

Normally Neutrophils are higher than Linfocytes

If Neutrophils were higher than 80% (Ratio>4), we talk of "deviation to the left", which is not my case, although the ratio is high "2,5" and makes us suspect an extracellular infection, mainly a bacteria, but could also be a virus.

When Linfocytes do predominate, we call it "inverted formula" or "deviation to the right". In this case the number of linfocytes equals the number of neutrophils or simply linfocytes are too high, signaling an intracellular infection, mainly an acute or chronic viral infection, although it could also be a bacteria.

This is the case, because in the beginning I had an extracellular infection and the following years became intracellular when the viral load became chronic. Probably it was a coinfection: 3 virus and many bacteria.

All the viral or bacterial infections that you can see in the slide are real from the past. The ones marked in red were treated with antibiotics because they were potentially pathogenic. It is remarkable the presence of Blastocystis Hominis all the time, which normally signals the presence of a pathogen.

In a way the antibiotic used to kill the infections influenced the N/L ratio to come lower, from extarcelullar to intracellular, when the viral infection became chronic. And at the end of 2008 and in 2009 it comes back to normal range, which is also when I was able to negative the IgM of my EBV, and to lower the titre of the IgG of my EBV, CMV and HHV6. Also it was here when my symptoms improved significantly