Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lab test done before taking Ursobilane treatment

Total Bilirrubine: *1.6 (0-1.2)
Direct Bilirrubine: *0.5 (0-0.4)
Indirect Bilirrubine: *1.10 (0-1)
Amonio in serum: *60 (11-35)
Total Cholesterol: 215 (<220)
Triglicéridos: 92 (35-200)
HDL: *36 (>45 normalidad <35 Riesgo)
TC/(HDL-TC): *6 (<4.5)
LDL: *161 (<155 normalidad >180 Riesgo)
(LDL-TC)/(HDL-TC) *4.5 (<3.55)
GOT 28 (<45)
GPT 31 (<45)
GGT 12 (8-61)
Fosfotasa Alkaline 54 (25-100)
AC. Antitransglutaminasa IgA 14.9 (>15 Positive) (It is negative, but very close to the limit)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

H, how is everything going with the tests? I trust you are ok, and would love to hear from you. It is one amazing journey you have embarked upon to seek assistance, stability of the condition and potential cure.